


The sedonac tool is like a swiss army knife, it is used for the following tasks:

  • Compile Kit: compile Sedona source code into a kit file.
  • Compile Dir: compile a group of kits
  • Compile Code: compile a set of kits into an scode file
  • Compile Platform: stage the native code for a specific platform binary
  • Compile App: convert between sax and sab formats
  • Run: run an arbitrary class within "sedona.jar" or "sedoanc.jar".
  • Build Docs: auto-generate HTML documentation

Compile Kit

Sedonac compiles Sedona source files into a kit file when run on a "kit.xml" file (or a directory that contains a "kit.xml" file).

     name = "serial"
     vendor = "Tridium"
     description = "Serial I/O support"
     includeSource = "true"
     doc = "true"

      <!-- Dependencies -->
      <depend on="sys 1.0" />

      <!-- Source Directories -->
      <source dir="."/>
      <source dir="test" testonly="true"/>

      <!-- Natives -->
      <native qname="serial::SerialPort.doInit"   id="4::0" />
      <native qname="serial::SerialPort.doClose"  id="4::1" />
      <native qname="serial::SerialPort.doRead"   id="4::2" />
      <native qname="serial::SerialPort.doWrite"  id="4::3" />

Specification of elements and attributes:

<sedonaKit> top level element:

  • name: (required) name of kit. See Vendors for rules on kit names.
  • vendor: (required) name of vendor for kit
  • description: (required) short description for kit
  • includeSource: (optional) boolean indicates whether to include source in kit zip. Defaults to false.
  • doc: (optional) boolean indicates whether to include this kit in API documentation. Defaults to false.
  • version: (optional) version string. Supports variable substitution. See versioning

<depend> specifies the dependencies of the kits

  • on: (required) dependency as a kit name and version constraint.

<source> specifies a directory of source code:

  • dir: (required) directory path where "kit.xml" is located, relative to top directory
  • testonly: (optional) boolean indicating whether the classes in the kit should be used in the test harness. If true, it infers the @testonly facet on all the classes in that directory. Default is false.

<native> specifies a native method identifier:

  • qname: qualified name of the native method
  • id: qualified id of the native method

Compile Dir

If sedonac is run on a file containing a sedonaDir element (usually named "dir.xml"), it compiles all the kits named in the list:

      <target name="sys" />
      <target name="inet" />
      <target name="sox" />
<target> specifies a child target:

  • name: (required) name of child directory.

The kits will be compiled separately; to assemble them into an scode image, see Compile Code below.

Compile Code

If sedonac is run on a file containing a sedonaCode element, it compiles the given set of kits into an scode image. The filename of the input XML file is used for the output scode file, e.g. if the input file is "foo.xml" sedonac will create a file called "foo.scode" in the same directory.


      <depend on="sys 1.0" />
      <depend on="sox 1.0" />
      <depend on="inet 1.0" />

<sedonaCode> top level element for scode compile:

  • endian: either "little" or "big" based on target processor.
  • blockSize: size of a scode block in bytes (see "sedona.h")
  • refSize: size of a memory pointer in bytes for target processor (4 for 32-bit processor).
  • main: qualified method name of main method (typically sys::Sys.main).
  • debug: (optional) boolean to include debug meta-data in image. Defaults to false
  • test: (optional) boolean to include test code in image. Defaults to false
  • armDouble: (optional) set to true if using an ARM microprocessor where 64-bit doubles are stored using byte level little endian, word level big endian.

<depend> specifies the kits to compile into the image:

  • on: (required) dependency as a kit name and version constraint.
  • test: (optional) boolean to include tests for this key. Defaults to value of sedonaCode.test if unspecified.

Note that the test and debug flags may have a significant impact on scode size.

Compile Platform

Sedonac is used to stage the native code when compiling a binary image for a given platform. This happens when sedonac is run against an XML file with a sedonaPlatform root element. See Staging and Platform Definition for more details.

Compile App

If you run sedonac against a file with a ".sax" extension it converts the application to a ".sab" file, and vice versa. The output file is placed in the same directory as the input file:

    D:\sedona\pub\apps>sedonac test.sax
      ConvertAppFile [D:\sedona\pub\apps\test.sax -> D:\sedona\pub\apps\test.sab]
      |  RAM:     14.2kb (14588 bytes)
      |  FLASH:    0.4kb (382 bytes)

Running sedonac on an application file also prints a memory impact report. The RAM value is an estimate of how much memory the application consumes in RAM during runtime. FLASH is the size required to persist the application to durable storage like flash memory (always exactly the same as the size of the sab file). Also see the Apps and Memory chapters.


If you pass a qualified Java classname to sedonac it will attempt to run that class's main() method:

    D:\sedona>sedonac sedona.util.UserUtil brian pass
    User:   brian:pass
    Digest: 0x[ca4d1fd9a089ff9d50ab1f1dc4e4772a6b24c6bb]
    Base64: yk0f2aCJ/51Qqx8dxOR3Kmskxrs=
The class must be defined in "sedona.jar" or "sedonac.jar":

Build Docs

The -doc switch builds HTML documentation along with the scode. For example:

    D:\sedona>sedonac -doc pub/src/sys
      Parse [44 files]
      WriteKit [D:\sedona\pub\kits\sys\sys-b0ce639-1.0.36.kit]
      WriteDoc [D:\sedona\pub\doc\sys]
    *** Success! ***

    D:\sedona\sedonac -doc pub/doc/toc.xml
      TableOfContents [D:\sedona\pub\doc -> D:\sedona\pub\doc]
      CheckHtmlLinks [D:\sedona\pub\doc]
    *** Success! ***

If the input file is a directory of kit source folders, then it will build the kits and automatically generate HTML documentation for each class, as well as a summary page for each kit. All fields and methods for each class will be included in the documentation, and any ** style comments above a given field or method will be included with the entry for that field or method.

If instead the input file to sedonac -doc is an XML file, it will be processed for information on generating a table of contents. See the file doc/toc.xml for an example.

Variable Substitution

Some attributes in the various input XML files allow for variable substitution. Such attributes will be read by sedonac, and any variables present in the attribute text will be replaced by the variable value. A variable is specified as ${variableName}. For example:

<sedonaPlatform vendor="Tridium" id="tridium-foo-${sedona.env.version}" />

The id attribute above might end up being resolved as tridium-foo-1.0.38. Sedonac will resolve variables according to the following rules:

  1. If the variable starts with os.env. then sedonac will attempt to resolve an environment variable. For example, ${os.env.USER} will cause sedonac to look in the environment for a variable called USER.
  2. If the variable starts with sedona.env. then sedonac will attempt to resolve a variable in the Sedona Framework environment (see For example, ${sedona.env.buildVersion} will cause sedonac to try and resolve property buildVersion in the sedona environment. Note: as a convenience ${sedona.env.version} resolves to sedona.Env.version
  3. Otherwise, attempt to resolve the variable name against any variables that the compiler might set. For example, when compiling a platform definition file the compiler will set a variable called ${stage.nativeChecksum}.
  4. It is always a compiler error if a variable cannot be resolved.

The most common place that variable substitution is used is in the platform definition file. The documentation for each XML file will explicitly indicate which elements and attributes support variable substitution (if any).

Last update: April 28, 2020