Platform Archive

PAR file

A Platform Archive, or PAR file, provides a way of organizing various files and metadata about a platform into a single entity. A PAR file is a zip file with a .par extension. All paths and filenames within the PAR file are reserved by the Sedona Framework, except the vendor folder where vendor-specific files may be stored. The following filenames and paths are currently defined by the Sedona Framework:

                /svm/<svm binary>
  • platformManifest.xml: (required) Must be in the root of the PAR file. If the PAR file does not have a platformManifest.xml, then it is not a valid PAR file. Invalid PAR files will not be accepted by the database. In addition, the manifest must set the id attribute to match the platform id.
  • svm/<svm binary>: (optional) If you wish to package the svm binary for the platform, it should be placed in the /svm directory. It can have any name, as long as it does not have one of the scode or app extensions: xml, scode, sax, or sab. An scode and app file may also be included in this directory with the svm.
  • vendor/: (optional) The vendor may put any arbitrary contents in this location.
  • The PAR file may have any name, but it must have a .par extension.

The PAR file should be created as part of the vendor's build toolchain. sedonac will facilitate this by staging the platform manifest in stageDir.par, but ultimately each vendor must create the full contents of the PAR. You should create a PAR file if you want information about a platform to be available to Sedona Framework tools, or if you want to submit your platform for Sedona Framework certification. If a vendor is registered with, the PAR file can be uploaded to so that tools can retrieve them based on the platform id returned by the platform service running in the app.

Platform Database

When PAR files are stored locally, they are stored in the platform database. The platform database resides on the local filesystem at


When a PAR file is stored in the platform database, it is unzipped and stored in a directory called .par. The location of this directory is based on the platform id specified in the platform manifest. The platform database interprets every '-' character in the platform id as a directory separator. For example, if the platform id is acme-basicPlatform-win32-1.0.38 the unzipped PAR file contents can be found in the platform database at

  +- acme/
  |   +- basicPlatform/
  |   |   +- win32/
  |   |   |   +- .par/
  |   |   |   |   +- platformManifest.xml
  |   |   |   +- 1.0.37/
  |   |   |   +- 1.0.38/
  |   |   |   |   +- .par/
  |   |   |   |   |   +- platformManifest.xml
  |   |   |   |   |   +- svm/
  |   |   |   |   |   |   +- <svm binary>
  +- tridium/
  |    +- <etc>

You can use the sedona_home/adm/ script to view and administrate your local platform database.

When looking up a platform manifest or SVM for a given platform id, the platform database will use a "best match" algorithm. It begins by looking for a platform with the exact same id. If one cannot be found, it "backs up" one directory level in the platform database and searches for a platform manifest there. If one still cannot be found, it backs up again until it hits the root directory of the platform database, or finds a platform manifest.

For example, suppose the platform database looks like the example above. If a Sedona Framework tool requests the platform manifest for a platform with id acme-basicPlatform-win32-1.0.39, the


manifest is the best match.


The Sedona Framework API contains a PlatformDb object in sedona.jar for working with the local platform database. See sedona.PlatformDb.

Last update: April 28, 2020